The Perfect Plate to Confound an In‐Law
This piece's sculptural form reflects a conceptual, theme-based approach, which stands in stark contrast to the classical rules of decoration that pervade traditional ceramics. The flowing contours of the piece reference the way drapery has been used by painters to convey movement since the Renaissance.
The piece is thoughtfully handcrafted. It has a width of 18.5cm(7.28 inches), a length of 20.5cm(8.07 inches), and a depth of 1.5cm(0.59 inches) at it's deepest points. It has a smooth surface.
Source Material: Goya / da Vinci / Georges Perec, La Vie mode d'emploi (Paris: Hachette, 1978) / Georges Perec, Species of Spaces and Other Pieces (London, Penguin Classic, 1998)
Background noise: While this collection was in development we may or may not have been influenced by the following experiences: [01] Watching all of the films of Kore-eda Hirokazu available on DVD in the UK. [02] Listening to Philip Glass - mainly Einstein on the Beach and Metamorphosis [03] Two visits to Gormley at the Royal Academy (one with children)